Friday, February 13, 2015

Blood Donation Benefits

We all know giving blood can save a life. For those longing for a heroic good deed, donating blood isundoubtedly the best choice. As blood cannot be synthesized artificially there is no perfect substitute for blood. As per latest research, per day requirement of blood donation today is approximately, therefore generous blood donation is the only possible solution. It is not only beneficial to the person who receives the blood, but it has health benefits for donors too.  It takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour for one blood donation and it can rescue as many as three patients.  Surprisingly the topic – ‘Blood Donation benefits is discussed rarely. Here are some of the benefits the donor gains from this humanitarian deed apart from getting the joy of saving human life.

Free Health check up
Getting a glimpse into one’s health is a free token of blood donation benefits. Blood can be donated only if the donor is in good health and fully fit. Before every blood donation process, the donor is screened for good health and fitness. They are tested for 13 infectious diseases like HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, etc. and that too free of cost along with blood pressure, pulse and hemoglobin.  Donating blood is certainly not a replacement for medical care.  As it carries along with it  a prior health screening program, it is of great significance in case of any health risk- in the form of an undiagnosed disease in its first stage.

Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

Did you know that the risk of heart disease can be reduced and at the same time a life can be saved? That’s right! According to latest research there are 88% less chance of a blood donor to suffer a heart attack. A reduction of 67% in unhealthy cardiovascular events is also recorded by the researchers in America. Blood donation benefits are therefore correctly flagged with reduced risk of heart diseases. Blood donation helps in keeping body’s iron stores in check, especially in males, thus reducing risks of heart diseases. No doubt, Iron is an essential element required for the proper functioning of the body but present in excessive dose, it is responsible for the oxidative damage. Oxidative damage is the major culprit in accelerated ageing, heart attacks, strokes, etc. The removal of iron (oxidative) from the body through blood donations means less iron oxidation and reduced cardiovascular diseases. 

We all know the blood viscosity is regarded as a unifying factor in the risk of cardiovascular diseases.  More thick and sticky the blood is, more friction it (blood) creates while passing through the blood vessels and that much more would be the damage done to the cells lining the arteries. Blood viscosity can be reduced by donating blood on a regular basis. Blood donation eliminates excess iron, which on oxidation increases blood viscosity.

Burns Calories

Another side effect included in the category-‘blood donation benefits is that it can burn a large number of calories. It is a well-accepted fact that immediately after blood donation the process of replenishment starts. New cells are produced and the total volume of blood lost regenerates within 48 hours. Blood donation is therefore considered safe. Regular blood donation without any health risks but once in every two -three months is therefore FDA approved. People burn approximately 650 calories per donation.

Reduces the Risk of Cancer

And now even more awesome news that blood donation reduces the risk of cancer. What else can a’ blood donation benefitscampaign expect other than a degree as a cancer savior. Researchers in America have found a direct link between high iron levels in the body and cancer. Researchers followed 1,200 people split into groups. One group reduced their iron stores every six months by blood donations, whereas the other group did not make any changes. The results of their study showed a lower risk of cancer and mortality in the group of blood donors.

With every two seconds, someone, somewhere requiring blood, thus making a total of 44,000 as blood donation demand every day, it's time to roll up our sleeve and save a life - including ours.

Blood Donation Requirements

The Dos And Don’ts Of Blood Donation Requirements

While the procedure of blood donation is simple enough, certain common sense blood donation requirements do exist to streamline the process of blood collection, testing and storage. Medical facilities can hardly exist without an efficient system of blood banks that rescue people from the jaws of death like after accidents when excessive bleeding may occur. Surgeries too inevitably cause a loss of blood that needs to be replenished. Let us know a little more about the wonder life giving fluid. A, B, AB and O represent the four major blood types. RBCs, WBCs, plasma and platelets get manufactured in the little factory called the bone marrow. 
WBCs fight infection, platelets assist blood clotting and plasma, mostly water, contains nutrients while RBCs carry oxygen. The four constituents are separated before transfusion.
It is obvious that the donor should be in good general health and feeling well at the time of blood donation. Countries differ in the blood donation requirements but most states in the USA require the donor to be at least 17 years old and weighing a minimum of 110 pounds. Tests may be carried out to ensure the good health of the donor though lies may be told to avoid deferral for the sake of payment for instance. Not all blood donations are paid for though, often done as an act of charity.  We realize though that since you can donate every 56 days, it could become a source of income for the poverty stricken or to support a substance abuse habit amongst the youth.
Low hemoglobin/hematocrit count could be a basis of deferring blood donations that should be above the minimum value prescribed that stands at 12.5 g/dL. Other conditions like low or high blood pressure similarly could be a cause of deferral. Symptoms of illness and even colds and flu may cause deferral. Travel in certain countries, medications and medical conditions could decide either temporary or permanent deferrals. 

Other general blood donation requirements would be to avoid smoking and drinking prior to the blood donation. You should be alcohol free 48 hours before and you could resume smoking three hours after the event.  Eat a sumptuous meal three hours before the donation.  You may be offered refreshments after the donation that you should accept and eat well later.
World Blood Donors Day being recognized globally on 14th June, consider it a profound privilege to donate blood that could potentially save three lives through whole blood, platelets and plasma that are separately transfused depending upon the recipient’s medical condition. We have dwelt only on the advantages of donation to the recipient as part of blood donation requirements.  Does the act of blood donation confer any advantages upon the donor? Yes, it does. By giving away a portion of your blood, the toxic chemicals present like mercury and pesticides would be thus reduced! Men have the additional advantage of reducing the risks of heart disease. Both the sexes generate new red blood cells through blood donation.

Nothing can replace the red substance in spite of all the wonders of creation. RBCs can be stored normally for 42 days only. Blood fights infection, heals wounds. Blood is the greatest carrier of oxygen to every body part and carbon dioxide for removal from lungs, liver and kidneys. To conclude, compatibility issues arise as part of blood donation requirements. The universal donor is O that can be transfused to anybody. O- can be received by O- alone. O- and O+ may be received by O+ while O- and A+ may be received by A- besides a few other compatibilities. Regarding blood plasma, the universal donor is AB that anybody can receive. A or AB is acceptable to A and B or AB are acceptable to B. Donor plasma must be O, A, B or AB to be received by O.

Blood Donation

The idea of blood donation for the humanitarian propose of saving lives has become part of our inherited culture. Besides, it takes little effort to donate a pint of blood with no associated health risk for the donor. Yet routine procedures exist to screen for possible diseases the blood may carry and transmit to the recipient like HIV and viral hepatitis but chances of infection are very slim indeed. Why are we so much attracted to the blood and its transfusion to save lives? Well, blood is the very stuff of life and we would not be living otherwise. In spite of so many synthetic this and that, no technology could succeed in replacing that precious component that makes up 8% of the body.


So you have decided to donate blood like everybody else? A noble thought no doubt and quite achievable in fact once in 56 days if it is whole blood, more often if it concerns platelets and plasma alone, maybe 7 days. To consider that each donation could save three lives is quite an encouragement especially when traffic accidents and disease take a heavy toll on human lives each day. If we were to consider world figures, that would be a large number of lives lost each day. Besides, blood donation does not result in a very long shelf life for the blood and supplies need to be replenished with a steady stream of donors. What would happen during war or a natural disaster? Blood banks have taken the responsibility of ensuring that supply as best they can. Potential donors do register online and mention their blood groups so that they can be summoned in an emergency.

 William Harvey and Karl Landsteiner made it all possible, the former in 1628 discovering the circulation of blood and the latter that discovered blood groups in 1901.  Blood donation today has become a shared duty."Safe blood for saving mothers" was the profound message for World Blood Donor Day on 14 June 2014. One wonders if the blood you donate is essentially paid for if it is all that valuable a resource that can bring life to the dying. While it would seem that a majority of donors do not receive compensation especially in the developed countries, some countries do follow a procedure of granting remuneration. And why not if it is a third world country where incomes are scarce and a section of the society does not know where the next meal would come from?


Besides the danger that the donated bloods mighty carry potential disease, the health of the donor needs to be considered. The donor should be feeling well and in good condition. Temperature, blood pressure and pulse would be checked. Otherwise there is no cause to worry regarding the simple and safe process of blood donation. Just like in the process of injections, a sterile needle would be used and then discarded. How long would the process take? Maybe ten minutes and then you say goodbye to the blood donation center.

 There is no need for worry concerning your own blood stock either. Consider the fact that an average body contains 10 pints of blood. The usual blood donation consists of one pint. The blood manufacturing process is constantly taking place in the body and so the pint gets replenished somewhat like the growth of hair and nails. The donated blood is screened for disease after which it is stored in the blood bank if not immediately used to save human life. Emergency needs sometimes arise but the blood groups should match. Make it your life vision to save lives.



Blood Transfusions

Save Lives Every Day Through Blood Transfusions

While humanity is well aware of the universal existence of blood transfusions, make note of a few details that may augment life threatening situations. Did you know that blood can be broken down into its components during the transfusion and only the platelets or plasma could be transfused besides whole blood? Which diseases would require whole blood? Have you heard of apheresis? Did you know that you can donate blood for your own use like posting a letter to yourself?

Accidents when blood is lost or surgery that is an exercise in bloodletting would require such a replacement of the lost precious liquid, the elixir of life that is the single most precious commodity without which life cannot exist. The blood from the donor is transfused into the recipient’s body to help certain conditions. Can infections occur though blood? They can but the chances are so small that they hardly exist. Yet screening processes do take place like for HIV. The safest blood transfusions then would be to receive your own blood if you are anticipating an elective surgery for instance. But then preparations need to be done well in advance and not all are eligible.
Blood banks do a noble social service all right by collecting blood donations often voluntary and storing it for emergency use. The blood bank collects tests and stores the blood, ready for use. The problem is that blood does not have a long shelf life.  Blood transfusions are thus sometimes a hit and miss story with frantic searches for the matching blood type when the bad times actually occur. The O blood group is recognized as the universal donor that is safe to transfuse to anybody. A vast system does exist of blood banks across the spectrum of society with people encouraged to donate blood that is a simple, safe procedure. Registrations online indicate the contact details of potential donors and their blood groups to contact during emergencies.

While bloody nightmares are not really necessary with the extreme care provided by modern medical science, it would help to be familiar with the facts. If you happen to face such a situation, beware of fever and chills, itching or shortness of breath during the transfusion. The medical staff should be informed immediately. The two types of blood transfusions are with autologous blood and donor blood. Strange as it may sound, autologous blood means the receiving of your own blood. How does that happen? In this case, you would donate your blood well before the planned surgery. Since blood is lost during surgery, your own blood gets recycled into your body. Smart, isn’t it and the safest way to receive blood. Recycling your blood during surgery could take place too. Blood lost during surgery could be recycled back after surgery. Sometimes, blood is removed before surgery and replaced by IV fluids with the blood returned later.
Instead of transfusing the whole blood that is generally accepted to be the norm, only the platelets or plasma could be transfused too. Apheresis indicates the collection of your own platelets and plasma that are returned to the body later when you need them. Red Blood Cells or hemoglobin is most commonly used during blood transfusions since they carry oxygen across the body spectrum and create energy. In anemia or after surgery and injury, a person would require RBC transfusion. 

Platelets aid clotting and certain illnesses result in the loss of the clotting factor. Hemophilia, though a rare disease, is one condition besides injury and internal bleeding that would require platelets alone. Plasma is indicated if you suffer from burns, liver failure or serious infection. What is plasma? The liquid part of the blood that contains a lot of stuff: vitamins, cholesterol, sugar, hormones, proteins, sodium and many more…

Different Blood Types

Which blood type do you possess?

A, B and O may be on everybody’s lips and medical documents but let us get a  wider perspective on the system of blood classification that concerns the life giving fluid. Each adult possesses 6 pints of it and medical science has developed the system of transfusions to save countless lives across the globe. What are the factors that determine blood types? How is it decided? Is it inherited or otherwise? Like many other aspects of our lives and existence, the different blood types are a perpetual mystery though we talk about them all the time and particularly in those dreaded moments.

Different blood types are often commonly referred to as blood groups. The classification derives from the red blood cells on the surface of which is found inherited antigenic materials. Depending upon the blood type, these substances could occur in the form of proteins or carbohydrates, glycoproteins or glycolipids. Both parents contribute to the blood type. Internationally, as many as 33 blood groups are accepted. Every child has heard the most common ABO and the RhD antigen. The combination of a letter with the plus or minus sign indicates the presence or absence of the RhD status. That may come as a surprise because we had imagined that essentially blood is the same. That is true in the sense that the blood of a white, black or yellow individual would all contain RBCs, platelets and plasma with their different constituents. Yet some little aspects differ and the knowledge would help when it comes to blood transfusions that could save lives in emergencies.
The four major different blood types are indicated by the presence or absence of antigens and antibodies. Group A possesses the A antigen on the red cells and B antibody in plasma. Group B has B antigen on red cells and A antibody in the plasma. Group AB possesses both A and B antigens on red cells and neither antibody in plasma. Group O has neither antigen on red cells but both A and B antibodies are present on the plasma. Group O referred to as the universal donor can donate RBCs to any blood group. Group A donates RBCs to both A and AB. Similarly, Group B donates to B and AB. Group AB can donate to ABs and receives from any group! While it may all sound rather mysterious, medical facts cannot be denied. What would happen if mismatching blood is transfused? An immune response would occur to attack the mismatched blood as if they were aliens.

If we consider the universal prevalence of the eight different blood types , O+, A+ and B+ are the most commonly found across the different racial groups. For the distribution of O+, Caucasians have 37%, African American 47%, Hispanic 53% and Asians have 30%. The A+ distribution includes 33% of Caucasians, 24% of African American, 29% of Hispanics and 27% of Asians. The B+ type is found in 9% of Caucasians, 18% of African American, 9% of Hispanics and 25% of Asians. The other four chief groups comprising of O-, A-, B- and AB- have comparatively lesser distribution across all the major racial groups, mostly in single digits or in decimal fractions.
Yet all is not so simple either with the different blood types! Some rare blood does exist like the Oh in Bombay, India which is found in one in 7600 people in Bombay, also called Mumbai. The blood group is absent in other parts of the country. A rare blood group is found in 1 in 1000 people. Would you expect a pregnant woman to carry a fetus with a different blood group? It happens and the mother forms antibodies that is sometimes lethal for the fetus. Though one would be expected to have the same blood group through life, the blood group sometimes changes because of disease. Finally, certain blood types are associated with particular disease.

Blood Components

The Strange Make Up Of Life Giving Human Blood

Something that can only be called a gift of god but bestowed by humans too in life threatening situations, the blood components make up an extraordinary story. Everybody in general and doctors and surgeons in particular need to understand the blood processes. Emergency treatment often requires blood transfusions and the right type of matching blood may be lacking. Blood banks do maintain quotas of the precious liability. 

Hemoglobin is the chief constituent. Several diseases arise like anemia that is the reduced hemoglobin in the blood as a result of which enough oxygen supply does not reach the body. Polycythemia is the result when hemoglobin is very high and blood clots easily and may result in a stroke. Blood infections could arise and may require antibiotics. Besides, the blood can carry disease like HIV.
Probably everybody is aware of the constituents of that precious fluid that perpetually circulates our veins and arteries. We learnt them in school. Blood components are a mere four in number that appears simple enough but still waters can be far reaching indeed. Also called erythrocytes or hemoglobin, red blood cells that impart the distinctive color constitute as much as 40% of the blood mass. The hemoglobin protein brings the redness and that is why blood can carry the life supporting oxygen that we inhale through the nose and distribute via the lungs. In fact RBCs can carry carbon dioxide too. So RBCs carry oxygen from the lungs and bring carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled. Oxygen brings energy and carbon dioxide is the waste material.

Also called leukocytes, white blood cells come next in the list of blood components. Leucopenia indicates the phenomenon of very low WBCs that raises the greater possibility of infections. Leukocytosis on the other hand means excessive WBCs that may indicate the presence of infection.  Leukemia or cancers in the bone marrow could be another possibility. We should be grateful to leukocytes that are far fewer than their red brethren but protect the body against infection. Further, WBCs are found in five different kinds with appropriate functions. The most abundant are neutrophils that protect through the ingestion of bacteria and alien debris. Next come lymphocytes in three types. The T cells and natural killer cells both protect against viral infections. They detect and destroy cancer cells too. B cells produce antibodies. They are also referred to as T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes.
To continue with the list of blood components, monocytes continue the task of defense against infections. Eosinophils have the ability to kills cancerous cells and respond to allergies. Basophils like eosinophils respond to allergic conditions. We have seen that all the six constituents of WBC have some role in protecting the body and responding to attacks of various kinds. Some WBCs flow in the bloodstream while others stick to the walls and enter tissues. When an infection occurs, WBCs reach the site and attract more WBCs. How do the WBCs really work? They digest the harmful organisms and produce antibodies too like a miniature commando operation.
Half the blood volume and principally containing water, plasma is the liquid like substance that holds RBS, WBCs and platelets. Albumin is the protein that binds blood and prevents leakage. Albumin carries hormones and some drugs too. Plasma also contains electrolytes and antibodies that fight against virus, bacteria, fungi and clotting that concerns bleeding. Blood components are truly versatile and plasma serves other functions, absorbing water and restoring water in tissues as required. Plasma maintains blood pressure and regulates body temperature, supplying heat to the arms and the extremities. Have you heard of thrombocytes, the platelets that are smaller, fewer that help in the clotting process when bleeding takes place?

Blood Donation Facts

                           Some important blood donation facts

With the world becoming more and more advanced with each passing day, the lives of people are becoming more and more complicated. To cope with the complications and health issues, medical science has been constantly evolving. There are so many people who are suffering from a lot of diseases. Some of these are genetic while others acquire in their lifetime. 

The need of blood is seen in many such cases, both in hereditary diseases and acquired ones. Then there are the accidents and injuries that often require blood. That is why blood donation is a very important process in the medical sector. A blood donation is the process through which a person donates blood to another one to compensate loss of blood. This can be through transfusion or fractionation. There are many blood donation facts that will amaze you and the number of people participating in blood donation camps is staggering too. There are so many camps that are held every year and blood banks collect blood for those who are in need. With awareness, this can be a very noble cause that people need to know.

Here are some important blood donation facts. With so many diseases all over the world that are prevalent, the need for blood is enormous. According to a recent survey, there are estimated 4.5 million patients in the US and Canada that requires blood every year. Almost 43,000 pints of blood are donated every day in the US and Canada. But with these staggering statistics, there is one more reality. The entire population is not eligible to donate and it is a fact that 4 out of every 10 people in the US can donate blood.
There are so many types of diseases and the people suffering from these are increasing. Thalassemia is one of those diseases that are very well known all over the world. People suffering from this one require blood every now and then depending upon the severity of the disease. Out of every 7 patients in the US, 1 requires blood to survive. This data is very worrisome and that is why it is very important that we encourage blood donation. Among important blood donation facts, the most amazing is that 1 donor can save at least 3 lives.
Now let’s find out some other blood donation facts related to the donor. To be eligible to donate blood, one need to be 17 years and above and also the body weight need to be 117 pounds and above. These individuals can donate a pint of blood every 56 days. The gender percentage in blood transfusion is 53 to 47, female versus male. Also among the donors, 94 percentages of the population are registered voters in the US. A donor can save a life of a baby by just donating 3 teaspoons of blood.
Now what about car accidents those are rising all over the world every day. There are so many people who lose their lives in these fatal accidents. So the need of blood in these cases is inevitably most of the time. So, among all important blood donation facts, the one that is very much vital is that if 50 percentages of people donate blood than all of these cases that require blood due to major car accidents would be fulfilled. That is why is so important that we encourage blood donation. The data are even more staggering, when 20 people donate a simple amount of blood; they can save burn victim. Blood has the capacity to last for 42 days and platelets last for about 5 days.

Blood Donation Restrictions

Blood donation is a very noble cause that saves the lives of people. A single donor can save at least 3 lives and that is why blood donation is so vital process in the medical world. 
There are so many people who require blood due to major accidents and diseases. To combat these different organizations is working together so that they can encourage people to donate blood. There is a deficit of blood in blood banks and to fulfill the deficit so that blood can be transfused to each and every patient that requires it, it is very vital that we work together to combat these by donating blood. But blood donations have some restrictions that we all need to know. Not everyone is eligible to donate blood. In the US, out of every 10 people only 4 are eligible to donate blood. In this context, we will look into some of the blood donation restrictions.

There are many blood donation restrictions that we need to be aware of. There are different restrictions on the donor that one needs to know. Very few people are eligible to donate blood. The one thing that is so vital is the age. One needs to attain 17 years of age to donate blood, according to WHO and Red Cross society. Even minor of age 16 can also donate, but they need to attain a form that is a minor donor permission form from their guardian. The next one in the list is the weight of the donor. The donor need to be healthy and at least 110 pounds so that he or she can be eligible to donate blood. Although this is an average stat, the weight differs in the 16 to 22 years age group.
Among the blood donation restrictions, there are many diseases that prevent people to donate blood to a patient. If a person is suffering from AIDS, he or she needs to be the refrain from donating blood. Nowadays there are screening and people need to provide test result before donating blood. But in the past, most of the AIDS transmission was due to blood transfusion. If you are suffering from cancer, such as Hodgkin, Leukemia, Lymphomas then do not donate blood. People suffering from hepatitis should refrain from donating blood. Also, people who have previous encounters with Malaria, need to restrict themselves from donating blood till 3 years of the last symptoms of malaria. After that he or she can donate blood.

Also, among all blood donation restrictions, the one that needs awareness is organ failure. People those who are suffering from organ failure needs to refrain from donating blood. This will help both the donor and also the patients. There are so many people who are surfing from Kidney, lung or liver failure and these people need to refrain from donating blood. There are also people who are prescribed medicines or drug and those people should not donate blood and if so, they need to first consult their doctor before donating.

There are different blood donation restrictions in different countries. Countries have different laws that prevent a person from donating blood. In some countries, they do not allow people who travel to certain countries to donate blood, while there are some nations that prevent military people who have traveled to certain bases to donate blood. So it becomes very vital that we all know the restrictions. Although blood donation is a very noble cause that can save so many people all over the world, it is very much vital that the case remains noble. That is why it is important that people should know the restrictions well before donating blood.